Osman Guler

Dean of College & Career

Email: oguler@harmonytx.org

Phone: (915) 859 4620 Ex: 81220

Schedule an Appointment

Hortencia Lazcano

College and Career Counselor

Email: hlazcano@harmonytx.org

Phone: (915) 859 4620 Ex: 81160

8th: Au-Ga
9th: Bb-Gr
10th: A-Ag, Pf-Se
11th: Or-Si
12th: AN-Ca

Schedule an Appointment

Sakine Simsek

College and Career Counselor

Email: ssimsek@harmonytx.org

Phone: (915) 859 4620 Ex: 81164

8th: Au-Ga
9th: Bb-Gr
10th: A-Ag, Pf-Se
11th: Or-Si
12th: AN-Ca

Schedule an Appointment

Natalia Salmeron-Mendoza

College and Career Counselor

Email: nsalmeronmendoza@harmonytx.org

Phone: (915) 859 4620 Ex: 81109

8th: Au-Ga
9th: Bb-Gr
10th: A-Ag, Pf-Se
11th: Or-Si
12th: AN-Ca

Schedule an Appointment

Israel Castro

College and Career Counselor

Email: icastro@harmonytx.org

Phone: (915) 859 4620 Ex: 81182

8th: Au-Ga
9th: Bb-Gr
10th: A-Ag, Pf-Se
11th: Or-Si
12th: AN-Ca

Schedule an Appointment

Francisco Rivera

Student & Family Engagement Coordinator

Email: francisco.rivera@harmonytx.org

Phone: (915) 859 4620 Ex: 81180

Schedule an Appointment

Annet Rodriguez

College and Career Seminar Advisor

Email: annet.rodriguez@harmonytx.org

Phone: (915) 859 4620 Ex: 81205

Schedule an Appointment